Saturday, May 12, 2018

Fashion Portfolio (Raudra ras)

        Fashion Portfolio

          Topic:Raudra Ras


        Theam board on Raudra ras

Ras is the central principle of indian dramatics and poetry.Raudra ras is the ras of wrath and fury In this ras:
 1. Through the work of art and cause it to propagate. Anger is the permanent emotion/sentiment.
2  The enemy is the causal element
3. The action of the enemy that ignite the feelings of anger and the catalysts that bring forth the permanent emotion of anger and convert it into the ras of fury. For example hitting with a first,throwing an enemy on the floor, breating cutting, defacing, etc.
4. The hair rising on the body , the raising of the zeyebrows, biting of the lips, throwing weapons, using sharp words, etc. are the physically visible manifestation and experience of the ras.
5. Aggression,jealousy,envy etc.are the carries that provide movement to the ras.


    Mood board on Anger

    Anger or wrath is an intense emotional response usually involving agitation, malice, oretribution. It is an emotion that involves a strong uncomfortable and hostile response to a perceived provocation, hurt or threat.Anger can occur when a person feels their personal boundaries are being or are going to be violated.
    The external expression of anger can be found in facial expressions, body language, physiological responses, and at times public acts of aggression.Some animals, for example, make loud sounds, attempt to look physically larger, bare their teeth, and stare.


Colour board made from Mood board

Color  or colour is the characteristic of human visual perception described through color categories,This perception of color derives from the stimulation of cone cells in the human eye by electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum. Color categories and physical specifications of color are associated with objects through the wavelength of the light that is reflected from them. This reflection is governed by the object's physical properties such as light absorption, emission spectra, etc.


Client board

    we have to design garment according to client that is what is the  standard of a client ,profession,casual life,what food they eat etc.


         sketches of dress with discription

    DESCRIPTION:I made this dress on volcano.All our feelings are valid but when we don't share them they tend bubble & blow inside of us until the pressure is so great its just a matter of time before an eruption.

DESCRIPTION: At the time of anger our all other feelings gets hidden as this hood tries to hide our self.

DESCRIPTION:Sleeve is attach on full cercular creates heavy look on sleeve.

DESCRIPTION:This dress is inspired by bat.

     DESCRIPTION:Villans are of negative thinking and always tries to harm others just like anger always distroys relation of a person.
      DESCRIPTION:Vampire sucks the blood of other human beings and animals just like that anger burns and sucks the blood of oneself.

      DESCRIPTION:Villans are of negative thinking and always tries to harm others just like that anger always destroye's relation of a person.

     DESCRIPTION:This dress is asymitrical, When we are in anger our mind lost the balance so this dress is asymitrical.

process of making garments

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